Study of Mechanics in Civil Engineering

Mechanics is the branch of science that studies the effect of force or forces on any kind of body, when it is in the state of rest or in state of motion. We know that a body can be either rigid, deformable or fluid in kind. These types of body can either be in the state of rest or in the state of motion. 

Study of Mechanics in Civil Engineering

Hence, based on what kind of body is studied and what state it is in, mechanics can be classified into various types.

Classification of Mechanics

Study of Mechanics can be classified based on:

  1. Kind of Body
    1. Rigid Body Mechanics
    2. Deformable Mechanics
    3. Fluid Mechanics
  2. State of Body
    1. Static Mechanics
    2. Dynamic Mechanics
      1. Kinetics
      2. Kinematics

Mechanics in Civil Engineering Program

As mentioned in the above classification, we deal with each type of mechanics in each semester of the engineering program.
  • Rigid Body Mechanics is essentially the study of effect of forces on rigid body. This study is also called Engineering Mechanics. This is the basics for all other study of mechanics. 
  • Deformable mechanics study the effect of forces on deformable bodies. It is dealt under a subject called as strength of materials (SOM) or Mechanics of Solids (MOS).
  • Fluid mechanics is the branch of mechanics that study the effect of forces acting on a fluid. 
  • Statics Mechanics is the study on a body at rest
  • Dynamic mechanics is the study of effect of forces on a body in motion. It can b kinetics or kinematics. In kinetics we will consider those parameters that cause the motion and those that exist during the motion. This include force F, distance d, velocity v and acceleration a. While, Kinematics consider parameter that will appear only after the motion. This includes, distance d, velocity v and acceleration a.
We start the study of mechanics in the first year of civil engineering undergraduate program. Initially, we will learn Engineering mechanics, followed by other branches of mechanics. 

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